Sunday, April 3, 2011

lelaki pun perlu bershopping!

hari ahad yang indah. thank you ALLAH =)

Plan lepaking menjadi hari bershopping sedunia (ok over sangat). having a blast day spending time with my loves one is hard when i had to plan on unworking sunday. it is because i work late night on saturday and make me lazy on the sunday and i dont wanna do anything i just wanna lay in my bed dont feel like picking up my phone so leave the message at the tone (bruno mars lazy song)

but today (happy sunday)was superdupalicious sunday. walaupun gays day out. dating dengan my boyfriend (kawan lelaki. harap maklum) jek. we did what we want. we buy what we want (gaji dah masuk kata). we go where ever we want.

what did i do? what did i bought? where did i go? its a longgg story.. pendek kan? 3 minggu belum tentu habis jang..

my point is shopping is a the best medicine i guess. not only for women but also for men. or a boy like me =) did u ever imagine how happy when a boy shopping for his baju raya? that what i felt!! again i feel young! hahaha..

having the money is everything when it can satisfy the needs and wants. altho in real life money is NOT everything. keep that in mind tq.

biasalah every person have their own eager in using their money. some kept their money saved in the accounts for the future. some are boros. some are good in managing their financial. yet i did save for "something". i didn't spend it all. GILA KE APA shopping sampai duet gaji abes. simpan sikit untuk masa depan ye u all. <3

who said boys cant shop? they cant shop when only they paying for the items that are not for them.hahaha..


  1. shoping baju raya? so early laa

  2. bukanlah. its a metaphore jelah. baju raya tahun neh tema korea. siap2 terus.


suka tak suka?