Saturday, March 17, 2012


Berbicara tentang perasaan. simpan sahaja semua itu.
people keep talking bout love when it comes to feeling.
yes. cinta takkan hadir tanpa kasih dan sayang.
tapi itu bukan yang nak dicoretkan.

mixed feeling. apa yang aku rasa sekarang?
kerja? life? entertainment? love? family? friends?
am I in the comfort zone already? NO.
what do people think what we think? does it matter? YES.

Risk more than others think is safe.
Care more than others think is wise.
Dream more than others think is practical.
Expect more than others think is possible.
impian tetap diteruskan. hati cekal. hati tabah.
bukan senang nak senang. bukan susah nak susah.
its all about patient pray and how you cool things down.
you can't keep being indulgent. you gotta keep some for youself by not being selfish.
but we keep doing the same mistakes cause we were hoping that the mistakes we make are the problem solver or the last resort of making me a better person.

we talk we write we argue. but action thats really matter.

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