Sunday, March 27, 2011

Suatu Petang Di Hari Yang Cerah

Suatu Petang Di Hari Yang Cerah..

Mereka berselisih di depan tandas. Ucapan PERTAMA. Hye! Senyum :)

Venue is not the matter. Nor the timing. The break even that counts.

Friday, March 25, 2011

one happy family at home!

petang semalam
aku nampak gelagat seorang ayah dengan ibu bersama bayinya yang comel. mereka tidak memerlukan apa2 selain famili sendiri. alangkah bahagianya.( pada pandangan aku lah)

apa yang mereka ada hanyalah kereta kancil yang sungguh sempit. tidaklah nampak sempitnya andai hanya mereka bertiga.tapi baca dulu.

aku terpandang dari mula mereka keluar lift hingga ke kancil yg tidak berapa jauh. ayahnya membawa barang yang dishopping (ada ke ayat ni) dan maknya menolak stroller beroda tiga.

sampai di kereta maknya tak habis2 mencuit ayahnya yang sering berjenaka. anaknya pula tidur dibuai mimpi indah. kemudian ayahnya melenakan anaknya di kerusi hadapan (sebelah driver) yang tersiap sudah dengan kerusi khas untuk anaknya. siap bertali pinggang keledar. kemudian stroller itu dimasukkan ke dalam kereta tempat duduk belakang.

sedihnya melihat ibunya kesempitan terpaksa berkongsi tempat duduk dengan stroller(besar gaklah)dan anaknya dibiarkan tidur bagai beradu di kamar diraja. berkatalah hati "patot ayahnya tangkap gambar kejadian sebab bila anaknya dah besar jadi derhaka tunjuk balik gambar ini kepadanya. pengorbanan seorang ibu!" mungkin ibu kita jugak lebih besar pengorbanannya kan. kita je yang tak tahu. atau taknak amek tahu. jawab sendiri kata hati.

Kemudian kereta itu berlalu membuatkan diri terfikir sejenak. nak kena post kat blog neh..hehe.. maka begitulah ceriteranya al kisah sebuah keluarga bahagia. mereka bahagia walaupun sederhana.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How to Attract Women

The most important thing in this game in one thing: attraction. A woman will only want you and be interested in you if she feels attraction for you. You have to be able to create attraction and raise her interest in you.

If you do it right she will think you are funny, exciting, interesting and sexy. She will start to fall in love with you… or at least she will want to sleep with you! So how do you do it?

The most important thing in creating attraction is your body language and attitude; this how you present yourself and it is a mirror of your confidence and quality as a winner.

Knowing how to create attraction may not be easy and you will have some challenges along the road… but everyone can do it and it is crucial. You have to overcome these difficulties and you will be a better man because of it. Your whole charisma, seductive power and attractiveness is based on the attraction you create (whether you do it on purpose or not).

You learn the basics about body language and the rest will come with experience and subsequent reading about the subject. WARNING: go out and practice after you read this, don’t become a keyboard seduction specialist… it won’t get you laid and you will feel like a loser. So… how to attract women?
Body language is the key to attraction

So lets start with the basics of attractive body language. The words that come out of your mouth are a small part of what you are communicating. We communicate mainly by facial expressions, eye contact, posture, body language, voice tonality and speed and with gestures. What you say accounts for less than 10% of what you communicate! That is crazy right?!

In body language there are many different details that matter and if you try to apply 25 “techniques” simultaneously it will be a frickin disaster! Don’t get overwhelmed by this stuff and start going out and practicing a few things at a time or you will be a total mess and look like a dork!

All these forms of communication send out signals to the people around you. For example, you are nervous and are sitting in a room with a bunch of strangers. The other people will see that you nervous because you are looking around strangely, fidgeting, you seem uptight, erratic movements, strange eye contact, etc. Even children can see if you are in a good mood or not.
She can read your mind

Women are much better at reading body language than men. Girls grown up talking about guys, feelings and dating and in most cases they have more evolved social skills than guys. Good looking women have even better social skills because they are approached by men very often and they learned to use the power of their looks over the years.

That’s why a hot woman can spot your insecurity a mile away and that is why it is important to be aware of what good body language is and be able to apply it.

If you came to this site you have a desire to learn how to pick up girls and evolving your social skills is very important because it will get you the best looking girls. Many guys learn this stuff and pick up average women and settle down. Know and remember that it is possible to learn and practice seduction to get the best girls… this means good looking and inteligent women. To get the creme de la creme you will have to polish your skills until you get to that level.
Look your best

Another very important part in attracting women is how you present yourself. You don’t need to be rich, good looking and drive an expensive car. For a man looks don’t matter as much as we care about a woman’s looks… but that doesn’t mean you should walk around like a slob. If you look like a slob you look unattractive… that is showing low self esteem and poor value.

If you look well groomed, well dressed and sexy then it means your personality is in tune with that. That means you will bring fun and excitement into her life.

These things matter for women… they select men as best as they can because they don’t want to spend their time with losers. Think about it… if you were a hot chick would you spend 15 minutes of your time with a boring loser? You would tell him to go away after 10 seconds.

Attractive women are very good at screening guys because they have done it more than a thousand times. If she feels that you are a lame and boring then you are out. You have to learn how to present yourself in the correct way, be confident, dress well, look relaxed and start a conversation with a woman… Do you think she will reject a guy like that?

Its safe to say that a guy’s chances are much much better when he has good social skills, looks fashionable, well gromed and is in shape.
Be your best self

So what do you think would happen if loser guy got a good outfit, more confidence and relaxed body language approached her… would he have success? He would have better chances…

Now think about the successful and confident people in our society… the people with charisma: celebrities, rock stars, managers, doctors, self made millionaires, rich kids, and many more. How do these people behave? How do they sit? How do they talk? If you look at them you can see that they have confidence (not fake confidence), they are in control of their reality, they are the masters of their life and other people feel attracted to that. Women gravitate towards men with success and strong personalities.
Attraction Killers

So what are the main mistakes guys make when they try to attract a woman… and how can you avoid them? Avoiding them is easy… you start by identifying 1 or 2 mistakes that you make and you correct them infield. If you make many mistakes it will be hard to correct everything at once… just be patient and let your body and mind get used to the changes… let it get internalized. Internalized means you don’t make the mistakes anymore and do things the right way without even thinking about it… when that happens you go to the next one on the list.

So here are the most common mistakes that kill attraction or prevent it from appearing:

Stuttering and talking to fast. Try to control yourself and talk at a normal pace. Talking to fast shows you are nervous and is needy… you talk to fast because you think you are lower value and need to spit out words as fast as possible so she doesn’t loose focus and in the hopes of saying something interesting.

Filling up every silence and talking too much. When guys are new at this pick up thing they tend to talk to much. Don’t get me wrong, you have to talk to keep her interested but don’t overdo it.

You ask her to many questions. Shooting question after question is a desperate attempt at keeping the conversation going and it is seeking rapport. You should only start building rapport after she has shown attraction and if you start to early this is needy behavior and will draw her away and make her loose interest.

Not knowing what to say. If you don’t have some stories prepared then you will start asking question after question and you will make the mistake I described above. This can also make you nervous make more mistakes.

Getting drunk. Drinking too much will destroy your game and will make you perform poorly. It is also an attempt to hide your nervousness and if you use it for that your state will be dependent on it. You can drink a little bit to loosen you up but don’t overdoo it. Your aim should be to get in the right mood and feel great without a drop of alcohol.

Body language mistakes. If you are insecure you will start leaning in (pecking as its called, leaning in to hear what she says), have fidgety movements, hands in pockets, etc.

Buying her stuff. Trying to impress her with drinks or trying to get her drunk is a major loser move. Hot girls milk guys for drinks and you will be just another chode!

Each of these actions show insecurity and unworthiness of a hot women… why are you not worthy if you look like a chode? Because a hot woman has dozens and dozens of guys she can choose from… each night! If you are part of the herd you won’t be special for her.

To attract girls you need to avoid doing these things or do the opposite of these mistakes. Don’t just read the article and not apply it later… bookmark it or print it out and start correcting your mistakes. It is not an overnight process and you have to make a commitment to it.

To complement this knowledge you can read the article about body language, very important if this is your first contact with this material. Good luck and remember: go out and approach! Practice is essential to make your skills better! If you want to know how to seduce women, start by reading out material on body language, then on how to approach women and go out and try it!

bukan main susah lagi!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

sampai ke titisan pen terakhir!!

Musim hujan musim panas. sekarang musim bencana alam KOT. selepas Mesir, New Zealand. sekarang JEPUN. musim terus berlalu detik demi detik. ada sedang bersuka ada juga yang berduka. Detik ini juga ada yang tense stress tiada selera makan tak cukup tidur dan sebagainya. bukan sebab musim putus cinta tetapi musim peperiksaan!!

hanya kata-kata sahaja dapat merangsang. so i wish ALL THE BEST for you guys who are going to take or taking any kind of exams right now. tak kesahlah ujian memandu ke ujian memasak ke ujian bulanan ke or maybe your final finale exam.

habiskanlah sisa-sisa masa bersama dengan bahagianya. sempurnakanlah kerja korang itu. jawab dengan confident level yang sangat tinggi supaya kamu keluar nanti jiwa akan tenang. ingat, yang lepas itu lepaskan aje. u still have lots and lots of "real" exam outside after you finish your study. That im trying to suceed now..

Jawablah exam kamu itu dengan keseronokan menjawab bagai itu adalah exam kamu yang terakhir. memang pun kan. haha.. what i meant was joy while you can. bukan kita jawab exam pecah kepala macam tuh sampai tua. maybe that is the last for you (yang taknak further lah). jawablah sampai ke titisan pen terakhir!! :)

  • you are great!
  • you are intelligent!
  • you are brainy!
  • you are terrific
  • you are hardworking!
  • you are handsome and pretty! (if this help)
As you make your way through life's many obstacles, may you always leave your mark. GOOD LUCK!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

kenapa kau ragut dia?

biasanya tepat jam 4.30ptg di office aku akan take "cancer break" just untuk release tension lah kunon kunonnya. tapi kali ini lewat sikit dari biasa. Then a girl datang "can i have one cigarette" i said sure (sambil mengulur satu kotak). then she ask "ambil lebih boleh?" aku dah pelik dah. apehal minah neh.. serabut jek aku tengok.. aku pun dengan rela hati cakaplah " boleh boleh.. takde masalah..."

Tiba-tiba dia duduk sebelah aku then she ask "awak apa nama?" aku cakap "DIN". 

Lepas tuh dia tanya "kalau nak buat cover charge (betul ke aku eja) kena ragut berapa eh?" MANALAH AKU TAU KANNN... lepas tuh dia tanya lagi " kenapa kat KL neh banyak peragut?" "Kenapa kat kL ni susah cari kerja?" dan macam2 lagi...

then slowly i ask "awak kena ragut ke? kat mana?" dia jawab dengan selamber "aah.. kat depan tu je tadi" (depan pavilion tak silap)

mulalah dia cerita kisah sedih dia.. dia datang dari JB. datang KL nak cari kerja kena ragut pulak.. tido? kat umah kawanlah KOT katenya.. nak tepon kawan pun beg dah kena ragut. purse handphone kad bank semua lesap. katanya lagi nak tepon mak bank in duit pun kad bank hilang macam mana nak keluar duit.. dan lain lainn...

sedih je dengar cerita dia.. then i suggest her to work part time at my workplace. kebetulan ada interview untuk budak2 part time.. dia pun kata ok. dari takde kerja kan.. then i gave her all my money in the pocket. taktaulah ada berapa tapi harap2 kau lepaslah nak hidup 2-3 hari kalau jimat..

moral of the story siapa cakap duduk KL ni mewah senang nak berjaya? kalau kena dengan cara takpelah jugak kan.. awak tuh dah la perempuan.. bukan nak kata perempuan lemah.. tapi perlu lah dengan cara yang betul. jaohhh pulak tuh dari JB.. i hope u survive out there girl... all the best :)