koleksi novel Lagenda Budak Setan |
Kesimpulannya (wah! baru nak cerita dah sampai habis) it was a very nice story. taktaulah novel laen macam mana sebab novel ini saja aku baca yang betul2 hayati.
Katerina (part 2) - Novelnya cukup nipis (berbanding dengan yang pertama dan yang ketiga) but the input was marvelous! there are some part that i read twice. sebab macam tak percaya je apa yang aku baca. What happen to her and all the surrounding that connected was touching lives that i can never imagine would happen in real life. walaupun the ending part was suspense. well, that make me want to read the last part. and again, poor kasyah with his hidup yang sangat malang (banyak dugaan dari tuhan)....
Kasyah (Terakhir) - This is the first novel i read that almost make me
My friend one said "mana ada lelaki sebaik dalam novel in real life nowadays" and i was like "betul juga" same goes to the women. zaman sekarang ni lelaki perempuan semua sama. rambut sama hitam hati lain2 tapi semua fikiran sama. Dijajah Oleh Pemikiran Barat. Same Goes to Me. but people change after "something" happen that make them change right..
sebab kita belajar dari sejarah. taknak pisang berbuah dua kali. some people like the changes and some people dont. we have just to face it that make me stronger :D
Cerita apa lagi? well, i need some rest first before i read the next novel. lagipun saya budak baru nak belajar baca novel kan.. so it might take some time :)
Keadaan cuaca hujan mendung tidak berhenti sampai mengakibatkan banjir besar di beberapa negeri tidak menjejaskan the potential in making the life better.
Hidup ini kalau selalu panas pun tak extreme, skali skala hujan pun ok kan. cause the rainbow will shine after the rain (merapu kepundang marang skepes)
peehhhh. baca novel sehhh. ahaha. u ada adegan baca sambil lap-lap air mata tak ni? ahaha