Saturday, December 25, 2010

perempuan dan pilihan (windy)

Aku tak tahu nak letak tajuk apa. tiba2 angin sepoi2 bahasa lalu dikala sepi lantas ingin diriku membicarakan tentang rusuk kanan lelaki (betul ke kanan?). merekalah ibu kakak adik mak cik kawan awek dan sebagainya..
Ada apa dengan wanita sampai lelaki bgaduh bertumbuk berhabis duit hnya utk mereka. apa yg mereka mahukan sebenarnya? adakah mereka citarasa anda? adakah mereka ape yg anda cari selama ini? adakah mereka itu? adakah mereka ini? seribu psoalan belum tentu dapat jawab kerna mereka adalah perempuan yang sukar difahami..

Apakah ciri-ciri lelaki yg anda mahukan wahai wanita? handsome? cute? gagah perkasa? kaya? khidupan stabil nak tampung keluarga? the leadership type? the bad guy? funky? jenis memahami? yg dgr cakap? tepuk dada tnya selera bak kate org kampung..

strong outside (maskulin) and soft inside VS strong inside and soft ouside(yg biasa je)
bad guy VS good guy
cute and beautiful VS handsome (macho)
aggressive VS patient
light coloured skin VS dark coloured skin
leader VS follower
clean and clear skin (face) VS hairy face (janggut pe bagai)
boyfriend type VS husband type
warm heart VS cool heart
good listener VS good talker 
rich VS poor
boy like girl

singer and dancer

kegilaan semua wanita

menarik perhatian

abg badan ketak

setail abes kunon

and a dozen more.. some people would like to be with someone that can protect her. some people like who with the good carrier and pationate at work. some girls dont like the good looking type of man because its hard to take care of. for sure all the girls will be staring at him saying "hey hey you you i wanna be ur girlfriend"

some says they want to find a man with good charismatic. define charismatic please..
charismatic is a trait found in individuals whose personalities are characterized by a powerful charm and magnetism. thanks to wikipedia..

charming? the type of person who open the car door for you or hold your handbag? how long would it last? sometimes boys like to look dumb in front of their girlfriend. not saying that boy who hold girls handbag look dumb but they really do dumb things.

some women confuse on their feelings with the truth. suka dia yg tak suka balik. or tak pandai buat keputusan. kadang2 expected more than anything else..  its just because they like the view of it. the loving drama. maybe we all should wake up and stop dreaming for fairytale.

wahhh.. gaya aku berceloteh macam lah aku tau semua tentang perempuan kan.. macam aku penah bercintan dengan 100 gadis dan mngenali mereka dgn sungguh mendalam sedalam laut biru di pulau pangkor jek kan.. hahaha..
NO. i read a lot. i watch television a lot too. i learn it all from these.. just made up my own conclusion after what i read n watch.. n NO currently i do not have a girlfriend. why? because girl is so complicated. for now. sapa taknak kawin der?? kannn...

i do not know how to excite girl to have interest in me. teach me how. well, just wanna share some knowledge i know. n wanna expressed the implicit inside me. shuhhh! ok dahhh...
"Ia bukan semudah beli ikan di pasar. Ia semudah memancing di laut yang berombak. minta ikan emas dapat ikan keli. nak taknak kena jugak harungi ombak ribut untuk pulang ke rumah.. kalau taknak pasir masuk seluar jangan bermain kat tepi pantai.."

hidup ini paling susah tang membuat pilihan. nak makan pun kena buat pilihan nak makan ape. pilihan sentiasa ada di depan mata cume kita je yg mampu pilih mana yg terbaek dari ladang.

ku akhiri dgn quote dari filem jangan pndg blkg congkak 2 (kot)

"bila cinta dah lekat, taik kucing pun rasa coklat"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The silent hold my hand and smile :)

kadang2 kerja sangat berbaloi bila kita ade kawan2 yg bleh ilangkan stres. bleh buat kte gelak ketawa. bleh buat kite ilang rasa ksunyian. bleh tolong masa kite susah.. i got i all. i love them very the much..haha.. i had a happy dinner.. sume kenyang gelak ketawa. walaupun kami mkn mcd.. dah lama tak gelak rmai2 mcm ni.. i realy had a great time :) thank you for today :D hee

this weekend dah apply cuti. u know why? coz there coming!! who? my bestie. my soulmate. my friends that i missed so much! damn gler rindu nk lepak ngn dowang. walaupun aku jek slalu kne buli but still i love them all..

dah taktau nak cakap ape. dah taktau nk tulis ape. im so excited. speechless. tapi... deep inside...... damn it hurts.. :(

happy happy happy lalala~  daa dee duu!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Snow Came After The Tsunami :)

     Last month was a depressed month for me. i was unemployed and i realize i wasn't as healthy as i think i was. it was such a bad month for me. kawan2 pun jaohhh.. yg dekat bz jep dgn hal masing2.. well, it was a challenge for me to grew up n live in a real world. when i went to the doctor it was a shock moment i had in my whole life. she said " what did u do?" 1st she ask. aku ape lg.. "what did i do??" she replied "awak telah djangkiti kuman yang belum pernah ada psakit saya alami usia semuda awak. saya dah tak tahu nak cakap ape" damn i was right about my stomach. i read in the internet that this disease were famous in europe only.. only few are in asian.. FEW!! the saddest thing was only 5% patient are under 40 years old!! 40!! im only 22!! tuhan betul2 mguji aku.. aku mgerti aku byk sgt bdosa pada-Nya. tapi aku tak faham.. i was grewing up just like the other teenagers.i played football. i watch movies. i eat. i sleep. its all bcause of my unbalanced diet. damn! i was scared of being fat.. small n fat.. it was the biggest fear.. but now, the growth in my belly are my biggest fear. banyaklah pantang larang dah skrg.. now im not like other teenagers. that make me down. sgt sedih :(

     Well, that was the tsunami part. then the snow came slowly with the love from GOD. i good a great job!! first it was TELEKOM. it wasn't bad but it didnt satisfied me enough.. lots of factors... then a few days later my friend Casey ask me to join her prac team in KLCC convention centre. i didnt think much then i grab the challenge. few weeks are gone now im happy with my job. walaupun takdelah life sgt asek bkerja je. but that make me busy to think about the bad things in life. working 6 days a week make me WEAK. i need some time to rest. i need sometime or something to cheer me up... i just need those things. but i know its hard in my situation right now.. work work work is all i can do.. nak kumpul duet byk2 then nak pegi korea dgn my soulmate dgn cuti2 yg tinggal.. kereta naty dlu eh.. :)

     Skrg adelah masa utk mencari chemistry dgn org skeliling. i am trying to live with them. mereka di sekelilingku. dulu dok UNITEN 4tahun dduk dgn org sme je kan.. skrg zaman dah berubah dunia pun da maju so i just had to live wit eat..

     So long.. dah xtaw nak cite ape lagi dahhh... tngulah jika cuaca berubah lagi.. akanku smpaikan berita tentang cuaca hidupku ini ya.. later~

Sunday, November 28, 2010

what is the weather gonna be next??

sejak kebelakangan ini cuaca berubah2 mengikut iklim. some day are happy some day are bored to boredom.. well, thats what people call life right. hidup tak selalunya indah. itulah ungkapan yg slalu org bg ble ade mslh dtg kan. i keep advice-ing people who keep came to me with their problemssss.. dimanakah orang utk aku mluahkan my problem? i always act cool to be hero. but deep down inside nobody know. i know i kinda dont like stories my prob to people. but to me, masa utk mceritakn itu sgtlah PENTING baru lah input itu sampai kan... n not every1 deserved to be storied. some people just wont accept that i cannot talk to any1 anytime. talk heart to heart lah.. kalo takat nk cite2 nk borak2 bleh je. nk dkt tido pun leh kan.. but to heart to heart with people to share problems to tell people what we like or dislike, time is needed!! i cant just tell people to do or not to do something i dont i like. i just have to accept that he/she is the way they are.. its called ACCEPTANCE.

ESOK CUACA DIRAMALKAN TIDAK MENENTU. esok suasana baru. tempat kije baru. i never know whats gonna happen.. suke ke tak suke have to face it. have to. well, its a good start for a new life kan.

hari hari mendatang sgt menakutkan i guess. well just have to be strong jelah.. dah besar dah pun.. tinggal nak berkeluarga jek. tapi itu lambat sgt lg. nak kne beli kereta dlu. nak kena ade kije yg stabil. nak kne ade byk2 bnda lg sblm kawen... bknla nk kate kawen tuh phujung jalan. tapi belom bsedia kot. walaupun jeles jek tgk kwn2 da kawen awal.. patient is a virtue kan.. so tunggu jelah princess charming datang.. wah mcm kite laki ni lak mnunggu owg masuk mminang kan.. ish2.. choy! 
malam ini hujan. pasti nyenyak tido kan. so gudnyte sweet dream.. tudalluuu :*

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

hari hari indah berlalu dengan pantas (sunny days oh happy days)

semenjak dua menjak tiga menjak ini hari hari indah berlaku dlm cuaca hidup. starts with a small reunion with unitenians clicks. it was fun at all wit the program with all the unplan things yg sume xmjadi but it went well with all the perangai that i missed so much. mule2 raidah n emy wit lost on the way, haqim the never ending story then aizat si botak yg rambut dah pnjang skit n his gf mai dan sobrie n gf yg dah pindah ke kl... kami tgk wayang yg cerita sgtlah best smp kami pun tak faham.. tak to aizat for the wonderful great RM5 movie.. 40juta punya cerita.yeay!!

then a wedding of my school mates. tak sangka cepat je kawen ye.. nway congrats ROSSHAFRIDA (kalo xsilap lah.eheh)sempatlah reunion with the school clicks.. its been 7 years i think xjmpa some of them.. byk la jgak brubah.. from gemok to kurus n from skinny jf fatty..hehe.. sume da beso2 dah.. tinggi.. saye jek xbeso2.. segan gak mule2 jmpa.. but time recover all.. accept me the way i am..

then on the Monday, me n my unitenian clicks (xramai pun 5 org jek) buat kije gilerr.. xdela giler sgt.. kami panjat gunung dato' N9 semata2 nak memfaedahkan cuti mereka yg tinggal! peh! xpenah diriku terpikir nk panjat gunung blima jek.. it was me latip (aqim), aizat, mai, n sobrie.. i had a great time.. masing2 buat prangai.. dgn lambat! sarapan xmau smp muntah br 10mnt! dgn perli memerli naek smp turun smp balik xabes2! smp luka2 blom stat daki lagi dan macam macam macam lg.. hahaha.. telaka laka.. i realy had a great time.. lama dah xrasa besh mcm neh..

but still time flies faster than i tot.. im back here where i belong... in my room!! ehehe...
itulah cuaca yg diidamkan.. hope the cloud can come around again n again ye.. cloud 9!! yeahhh..

cant wait till i meet u again sunny days :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

hari ini cerah sepanjang hari ditemani bintang di malamnya

hari ini hari raya haji.. jadi sy amek kesempatan ini nak ucapkan selamat ari raya aidiladha..makin byk cuti peristiwa mnandakan aku smakin tua hari demi hari... tkot dan sdey pun ade gak.. tp itulah hakikatnya kan...

well, like other family.. hari raya is the gathering for all family members.. same goes to my family.. sume ade except my youngest brader yg blaja kat UMS.. sian dia xdpt blk.. nk buek cam mano dah exam kan...
all my siblings blk a day before raya tuh.. its was nice.. lama xjmpa kan.. so we had a sibling dinner. parents tak ikut. yela, org2 tua mne nak kua mlm2 dah kan.. we try to find a grea place to eat.. yg xleh bla nya byknya kedai tutup sbb besoknya nk raye lah kan.. pusing pnye pusing mkn kat kdai dpn umah jek..haha.. it was funny tp we had a great time.. bangah belanje so kami melantak la pe lg kannn..huhu

morning raya tuh, mulelah berebut tandas.. almaklumla rmai kan.. sume nk keja g smyg ry.. im d last yg mandi.. then we had visit to the kezens house.. melantak lg!! ketat selua weh.. hahaha.. smp la ke ptg.. mlm my dad fly to korea out station.. mule2 nk ikut tp ak kne maki.. bapak aku cakap "kau ingat pegi korea tuh macam pegi melaka ke? abah pegi kije lahh" sia2 ak sound free.haha padan muke aku.. then we went to dinner at secret recipe. kali ini balong belanje pulak.. lg la ak melantak puas2!! hahahah.. mmg dah sgt muncet oh.. xpe.. raye kate..

time like this doesnt come everyday.. sume kije n got their own fmly pe sume so had to apreciate every single minit!! sume balik ni bilik sume pun penuh.. so i had to sleep at the ruang tamu.. beseny tido ngn my brader tp dia tak balik knela tido sowang2..

raye neh mcm tak meriah sgt so xdela sibuk2 nk anta wish ry kat sume owg.. certain2 jek aku anta.. itupun dpt dr owg laen.. maaf la ye kalo ak xrply.. hehe im sorry...

masa mnunjukkan jam 135pagi.. i need to sleep ryte now.. pewot pun da ketat makan byk sgt dahh...
nyte u olls..

Monday, November 15, 2010

cuaca hari ini sangat mendung!!

I dunno why people keep attacking on me. what did i do wrong?? itu tak bleh ini tak bleh.. im a grow up now.. i know what i did.. if its the matter of right or wrong who are you to judge me?? its my life. people do make mistake in choosing path of their life. it's called learning process!! daa!! talk to the hand.. talk like you know me for ages. 

aku hanyalah manusia biasa.. n i do have feeling. i do laugh n i did cry also. sometimes i deliberate to make mistake. in order to make people notice that im still alive! giving advice is easy but to implement in own life is hardest. i can make people sad to laugh in 5minit. i also can make people happy to cry in 5minit. but for myself esteem my satisfaction i failed to overcome the feeling. i always act hero to look cool. but inside only gods know..

Im happy.. life have taught me a lot.. family friends.. everyone that came in my life purposely or accidently. it keep me stronger from day to day..

i dont want to keep cursing the people that doesnt care. doesnt have the guts to say anything. its just about manner n ethic that we do not learn in class. its from your heart..

wah!! mare btul..ehhe.. takdelah.. saje jek.. dah ngarut sgt dahh neh kan.. tudalu dlu..

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Its start with a hai ~wave :)

Assalamualaikum wbr dan salam sejahtera.. syukur ke hadrat illahi dgn izinNYA dpt juga sy merealisasikn blog "The Weather of My Heart" ini.. hikhik... poyos je..  (smiling with proud :D )

Blog ini akan menceritakan tentang cuaca yg berlaku di dlm idup insan kecil ini yg hanya mampu mencoretkan sepatah dua kata hnya utk kepuasan diri. tidak ada niat terlintas utk myakat, memerli apetah lg mhina sesama manusia. semuanya dunia kan. tak dpt sy nk ramalkan kaji cuaca esok. jadi akanku ceritakn cuaca kisah semalam dan hari sebelum dan juga sebelumnya. hehe..

There are few things needed to be clear. Tujuan blog ini di'create' sperti yg dnyatakn diatas adalah hnya utk kpuasan diri sndiri.. lgpun kenalah up-to-date. sume org nk ada blog. aku pun nak jugak. sape yg bace bknlah mjadi psoalan. ade ke takde ade aku kesah?? (ek ele! )haha.. tak baek.. huhu.. joke...

So, the weather of my heart today is wind chill. nice and cold. it had a little rain during the korean movie "still,marry me" but the sun came with the rainbow after noon. I am still waiting for the new moon and the stars lighten up my life. wishing n hoping that the next day will be better than today. hope the cloud wont dark before it end to an happy ending.

well, it end here for now.

"The power of words is in yours. It can be 'mean' to someone or it can 'mean' to someone."

-stay healthy, stay wealthy, stay cute-